Saturday, September 7, 2013

Other Worlds

I have been reading a lot. Not a lot in the writing department but a lot in the reading department. For my 25th birthday at the beginning of August, my sister bought me a Kindle Fire. There has been a big inner debate for myself on whether to give up and just purchase a Kindle or to hold out and continue to schlep my lovely, heavy, bulky books everywhere with me. 

Sadly and not-sadly, the Kindle won.

I was always under the impression that purchasing an e-reader meant giving up on books altogether but I have vowed that when I read a book I like, I will TWICE support the book by purchasing it for my Kindle then purchasing a hard backed cover for my ever-growing library. I want to be able to pass down books to my children and my grandchildren. I'm just hoping they have my taste in books!

Along with reading a lot for me comes the influx of creative ideas. I've been thinking more and more how I want to write a book someday. I think it would be a sort of historical fiction or fiction or something loosely based on my life. I am slowly compiling a little book of ideas for myself to keep track of the people I meet, the places I go, the names I like for characters, etc. 

I recently have developed an obsession with a house in Rogers, AR that I want my book (or one of the books I write) to take place in. I have also started jotting notes down about people I've met in the past and people around me now for characters. I'm continuing my journey through life and through this moving a lot process with an open mind. I think these years is what will make my book freaking awesome!

While I have updated my reading list, (check out that page here), I have read a few certain things recently that I enjoyed:

I really liked this book. It was the first one I bought on my Kindle for my birthday and I really liked it. It's just a series of little stories and personal adventures from Kaling but I found it enjoyable to read and easy to read. It was nice to see that someone so famous now had a pretty normal (or I guess abnormal in a funny way) upbringing. I think it makes celebrities more relateble and likable when they share their upbringing, especially one like her's which is full of mistakes and screw ups  It makes me feel like I'm right on schedule!

Being such a huge Hunger Games fan, I tentatively jumped on this bang wagon. But I'm glad I did! I read a lot of (or have starting reading a lot of) dystopian society books, mainly because I really feel that we will get there someday and by reading these I will have advance knowledge on how to handle situations like this (haha yeah right!) This series is both very similar and very different to Hunger Games. It's a bit more modern and addresses some societal flaws that I think are a little closer to home then those in Hunger Games. But don't get me wrong...I am forever faithful to Katniss and The Hunger Games family. 

I just started the second book in this series, City of Ashes. And I'm actually currently update because I was reading the books before I saw the movies (because, common, who doesn't do that?!) and I'm been trying really hard not to see any pictures or trailers from the movie while I'm still reading the books. I like to have my own images in my brain of what characters look like, etc. And by Googling for this picture, I totally saw some stuff I did NOT want to see!

But regarding the book itself, I'm starting to enjoy it. I dislike the main girl right now, Clary. I think she needs to grow a pair. But I think I just have a beef with most female leads in books. I always find them a little annoying, but it's not stopping me from liking the story. The idea that we're surrounded by people/worlds that we cannot see is really interesting to me. I like the concepts of the marks and the magic and am interested to see where it goes! But I've heard the movie is'll see! I'll still see it :)

That's what have been on my plate reading wise lately! Any suggestions??

Thursday, September 5, 2013


You know when you fall off the face of the planet and don't notice until it's been months since it happened??

That just happened to me...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday List of Things

As my 6 week stint in a hotel comes to a close and my 25th birthday tomorrow (eek!) I thought I would recap my week in a short list-type post...mainly because I have 1,000 thoughts in my head and no way to complete almost any of them!

1. I have been sticking to this meal plan I found online this week and it has been making things a thousand times easier. I love cooking and planning things but sometimes I really hate coming up with it on my own. It's a Paleo meal plan, as Jake and I are trying to get back into it. And it's been really good so far! We're not sticking 100% to Paleo these days, but mostly! We've had sandwiches for lunch each day but that's okay in my book. We use a lot of Paleo things, like almond butter and almond milk, coconut oil and milk, no pastas etc. And now I'm in LOVE with these (suppose to be almond butter but we use) Peanut Butter and Banana smoothies (click here to see this recipe and more!)

2. I got a job this week! It's very exciting to me! Some people say I found a job here really fast, after being here 6-7 weeks. But I think it took for ever to secure something. The position isn't completely in my field, but it will look good on a resume and provide valuable experience in a professional field I think. I am a Correspondence and Bankruptcy Processor for a small medical and consumer goods credit card company. It sounds fancy but essentially, I answer mail and keep track of bankrupt accounts. I'm pretty excited to start working, however. 

3. It's my birthday tomorrow. Isn't it weird to anyone else that, as you get older, birthday's aren't that big of a deal anymore? Maybe it's a combination of getting older and also being away from family and friends. Jake always makes my birthday's wonderful. Last year will be hard to beat, as he took me to the best restaurant in joke, it's like rated the best restaurant in Toronto years in a row. It was the most amazing food I had ever had. Sometimes, though, I just wish I could have a BBQ with my family, invite over some friends and have some beers, play some games, just stuff like that. Someday, my birthday wish will come true.

I can't believe 4 years ago I turned 21.
4. I've been kind of into classical music this week. I just got a Kindle and this is huge for me. If you read this post, about how much I hate Kindle's and think technology is ruining books, then you know I've come a long way since then. But as I read books on my Kindle, I find that I love turning on the Classical station on my Pandora radio. It was so relaxing last night that I fell asleep, Kindle in hand, earbuds in ears. I didn't take them out till 1am I think. I heard this song and was swept away on a sleepy, dream cloud.

5. I've been running frequently lately. I thought I would never enjoy running, but I really feel accomplished after a good run. But, please keep in mind, that I'm not running like 5, 6, 7 miles each day. I'm working up to it but I'm starting with 2 miles and a bit of fast walking inbetween. It's so freaking humid and hot here in the mornings even that it makes it difficult to do so. I did, however, run a 10:03 mile yesterday, which is like unheard of for me. I like how my legs feel after running. I like how sweaty I am after running. I like how it's making me sleep really well these days. All good things, I think. Plus I've always wanted my legs to have that muscle definition on the outside know what I'm talking about...and they're never had it before but I've noticed a lot of my friends who run a lot have that. I will get it:

See that line on her upper thigh? I want that.
 6. I've bee thinking a lot about writing lately. Well I've been reading a lot lately, and that inspires me to want to write. I really think I want to write a book someday. Nothing autobiographical, I don't think my life has been interesting enough yet for that. but I think a work of fiction is in my future. I just need to figure out what I want to write about, develop some characters, a plot, and how to structure a story properly. I better get going. But the other day, I was returning from the post office and I was stopped at a light. At this light, I looked to my right and there, in the corner lot, I saw this house. I don't know what it was about the house but I couldn't stop staring at it. I wanted to pull into the driveway and peek in the windows. I still want to. I'm actually contemplating doing so today in my free time. This house is the house in my head. This house is where my story will take place. This is my dream house. Now you'll laugh when you see the picture, Jake did, but I think this house holds a mystery, or a long lost love, or a childhood full of secrets and fairy tales. I just...feel this inner hunger to know more about it.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 6.

Week 6.

Time has started to blend together. I don't know when one day ends and another begins. I try having a routine, but nothing seems to stick. Wake up, breakfast, putter around, make lunch, clean up, shower, laundry, cleaning, Internet, TV, reading. Rinse repeat.

Today, I'm waiting for some news. I feel upside-down, however, as the sky matches the curtains and blends together, bringing the outside in and the inside out. I am searching for something to organize, to finish, to feel productive. I'm searching for a reason to not be frustrated. Today, I'm waiting for some news: did I get the job?

Thinking about going back to work is a weird thought. The last time I went to work was June 18. The last time I went to work and actually had something to really do was May 31. You know when you get really ill and spend anywhere from a few days in bed to a few weeks? Then you have to walk up stairs for the first time, lungs burning, legs weak and wobbly? That's how I feel about working. I think I'm going to have wobbly-work legs. I feel the need to attack the stair-master now.

I think starting work would be really great at this point in time. I'm coming to the end of my rope. I'm really, really done having no income and being about to contribute to my relationship as well as purchase things that I want/need (new running shoes are at the top of my list).

I'm approaching my 25th birthday and I think it would be really great if I was able say that I have a good career by then. I have a lot of goals for the next year and having a good starter career is at the top of my list. With the move next year already looming in my brain (I know, I haven't even moved into my new apartment and I'm already thinking about next year!), I want to be prepared for finding a job next year.

So in order to feel productive and proactive in my life, I have a good list of things to accomplish today:

1. Print off and plan our week in paleo meals.
2. Apply for loan deferment (again)
3. Refold everything in our suitcases (hopefully so we'll be ready to go when we get to move in!)
4. Load some boxes in the car.
5. If I don't get the job and don't have to go fill out paperwork, then I think I'll head to the library!
6. Read some more of Insurgent (I am LOVING it!)
7. Update my blog, maybe write a few more posts.

I've missed it here, having somewhere to write and vent and construct my thoughts. I think I'll be around more often :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

25 before 25

There are 12 days until my 25th birthday. Holy Swiss f-ing cheese, Batman. Where did my life go?!

I've been reading a lot of "25 before 25" blogs lately, trying to be inspired by what some people have accomplished before they turned 25. I started getting disheartened because I haven't accomplished those things, or those types of things. But I have done some pretty righteous things in my 25 years. I thought, as a tribute selfishly to myself, I would share some things that I've done in my life that I think are pretty cool, as well as a few things that I want to accomplish before I'm 30:

1. Had a leading role in a play.

2. Before I'm 30: I want to pay off my student loans.

3. Got accepted to college and even graduated! (Even after changing majors halfway through!)

4. Moved away from home, out of my comfort zone, to experience life somewhere else. (Actually a few places, Connecticut, Toronto, Arkansas!)

5. Before I'm 30: I want to figure out my career path.

6. Volunteered with middle schoolers, teaching them how to have healthy relationships...which was the hardest 6 months of my life.

7. Been bungee jumping! Not off a bridge but it still counts because it was terrifying!

8. Learned to cook without looking at a recipe! That was a big one for me...coming from the family that I come from!

9. Before I'm 30: I want to take a road trip across the United States.

10. Lost 20 pounds...maybe haven't kept it off but I did it once!

11. Made it through countless heartbreak, just to be a better person on the other side.

12. Before I'm 30: I want to take a dance class.

13. Seen my favorite musical on stage...three times! I saw Wicked on San Fran when I was 17 (paid for it myself!) then saw it again TWICE in Portland.

14. Been to New York, which has been a lifetime dream of mine.

15. Changed someone's life, whether I like to admit it was through a shitty relationship or not. I seemed to be the catalyst in some gentlemen's lives that helped them get their shit together.

16. Found the love of my life.

17. Before I'm 30: I want to get married.

18. Before I'm 30: I want to travel to Europe.

19. Had an article published for reals. 

20. Lived in a foreign country (Canada...still counts!) 

21. Before I'm 30: I want to save $10,000 (which amounts to saving $5.50 per day for 5 years)

22. Run 5k without stopping. 

23. Before I'm 30: I want to come to terms with my body.

24. Rescued a dog: my baby Chasey, rescued her from a Winco parking lot! 

25. Before I'm 30: I want to learn to sew and make an outfit for myself. 

I think it's a pretty interesting list. I'm up for the challenge! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Get Knocked Down

Recently, I've fallen into the "Just Moved Here Blues." This is similar to the "I've-been-here-2-months-and-am-still-unemployed Blues," the "I've-been-doing-this-basically-3-years-now-you'd-think-it-gets-easier-Blues," and the infamous "I've-been-here-10-months-and-now-I-have-to-start-thinking-about-moving-Blues." All in all, I feel like I'm in this perpetual state of Blue-hood.

But then I sit and talk my life out loud sounds pretty fucking awesome, if I don't say so myself. I move to different, exciting and occasionally exotic locations (I count Toronto as being exotic). I get to try a new job each year, meet new people, explore new areas, see all new things. It sounds fucking righteous, right? But it's hard. And I can't decide if I'm making it harder then it's suppose to be.

Is it my lack of motivation? Is it the fact that finding a job fucking sucks? Is it the fact that I'm alone all day while Jake's at work? Who's making me be alone? Is it me? Do I really need someone to hand me everything on a platter to make it easier? When will be find the inner motivation or drive to try to make myself happier?

Or the more simple approach: what the fuck am I doing?

It's when I get like this that it begins to take a noticeable toll on my relationship. I feel like I'm a fucking cat that someone's try to force into a carrier. Does that sound ridiculous? Because it feels ridiculous. But my thing is is that I can't figure out how to get myself out of the box, out of the forceful hands, out of this predicament. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to go on this leg of my journey, so why can't I accept it for what it's worth? Why can't I seem to accept what I actively chose to do?

I feel like now is a good time to interject that Jacob is possibly the best. most loving person I could ever want to be with. Everything he does, he does with me in mind. He is amazing.

So why am I being so selfish?
Why can't I just take control of my life like I know I can and I know I want to?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Looking for a new way to follow all your blogs at once? If you're not on the BlogLovin bandwagon really should be!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Eureka Springs

So I have been in Arkansas about 3 weeks now and am thoroughly enjoying it!! Cute towns, hot weather, nice people. Yesterday we took a spontaneous trip about one hour out to Eureka Springs. It was a super adorable little town, with winding, hairpin turns, cobblestone streets, little shops and boutique restaurants. It was so quaint!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Are You Ready?!

Since we left Vegas and I realized that EDC (Electronic Daisy Carnival) was actually over all I can seem to do is put my headphones in and listen to all the live sets that I experienced and those that I didn't get to see.

I think I'm stuck in some post-festival depression. And being in a new place with no job (yet), no friends (yet) and no car to get away from the hotel room...I find myself in this little world all alone...and I love it!

It's so cool listening to these sets and know I was there! I was in that crowd! I remember the way it felt, the energy, the screaming, the singing, the fireworks, the way the crowd vibrated, the lights, it was the most intense weekend of my life. And I can't wait to go back.

Here are some pictures from professional sites (I can't post mine until we move into the new apartment on July 15th because I can't use my lap top) and here are some of my favorite sets!
Circuit Grounds
Circuit Grounds: This was probably my favorite stage, but the main stage was pretty ridiculous too. It was inside a partial dome, the stage you can see in the very center (yeah, that little ball of light under that centre diamond..). The VIP area (my friends and I had VIP passes) is that raised area off to the left there, wit the white fences. It was awesome, the view was incredible, there were private air conditioned bathrooms and bars too! Way worth it! The best thing about this stage (besides it had the best bathrooms) was that those hanging diamonds...moved. It was incredible to experience! 

Artists I saw here: R3hab, Dirty South, Thomas Gold, Laidback Luke, Arty, (last part of) Krewlla and more
Artists I missed here: Bassjackers, Gareth Emery, Fatboy Slim, Madeon, Wolfgang Gartner, Bingo Players, Clockwork and more.

Kinetic Field, from behind the stage looking into the crowd.

Kinetic Field, Mainstage
Kinetic Field, Mainstage: This was such an epic space. That owl moved and made faces. There were light up creatures surfing through the crowd (you can see an octopus in the crowd). Fire works, flames, lights, the biggest speakers I've ever seen. It was incredible. In the first picture, looking at the crowd, you can see the VIP area in the back, where the white tents are. There is also a VIP ferris wheel which we rode right as Tiesto was going was amazing. The VIP area had it's own entrance, those tents were air conditioned, private bathrooms, bar, great people and the BEST view of the stage. 

Artists I saw here: Dyro, Porter Robinson, Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, Hardwell, Calvin Harris and more
Artists I missed here: Avicii, Zeds Dead, Dada Life, Nicky Romero, Afrojack, Dash Berlin, Above and Beyond, Steve Angelo and more.

Bass Pod
BassPod: This stage played more dubstep/harder stuff, which I enjoy half of the time these days. We saw some great sets here though. There wasn't a VIP area here so we usually staked out to the right in the picture, by the fence. You can't see it in this picture, BUT, this stage used a lot of flames. It was awesome! The bass coming from here was almost heart stopping.

Artists I saw here: Datsik, Mt Eden, Foreign Beggars, Carnage, Terrevita, Flosstradaus (part of), Delta Heavy
Artists I missed here: 12th Planet, Crizzly and more (that I don't know)
Cosmic Meadow
Cosmis Meadow: We didn't spend a lot of time here, a majority of the artists we all wanted to see where at the three first stages. But we did see a few good ones here. This stage was the first thing you saw when you walked down the steps into the Motor Speedway. It was such a great view! This stage didn't have a VIP area either.

Artists I saw here: Knife Party and Kill the Noise
Artists I missed here/wish I saw: Empire of the Sun, Major Lazer, Dog Blood, Boys Noise, Rusko, Araabmusik


BassCon: We didn't see anything here. It wasn't playing the type of music any of us enjoyed long enough to hang out, really heavy bass and drums. But the stage itself was epic looking. I mean, how cool is this stage?!

Neon Garden
Neon Garden: We didn't come here at all either, mostly walked through it. It was the more chill, trance area. It seemed to be the place to find a spot to sit down and relax for a while. It was really pretty inside too.

Overall, it was a incredible three nights. I look back and think "man that's all I saw?!" But you have to count in rest breaks, wandering around, rides, bathrooms, and just plain walking to and from stages. There were so, so many people! Everywhere you looked there were people dancing and laughing and taking pictures. It was awesome. Watching the sun come up every morning was amazing. 

If I could spend every night at a place like this, I would.
I would go back in a heart beat.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

There's No Place Like Home.

Well, guys, I'm happy to say that I made it! I made it to Arkansas, made it through EDC and Vegas and am really enjoying my new life!

I will begin by admitting something...Arkansas isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I spent the past few months anxiously awaiting the time when I would see what Arkansas was really all about. I imagined this:

But so far, it's nothing like that!

I have been seriously surprised at the experiences I've had over the past 5 days. People are ridiculously friendly...I'm even going to say that they're nicer then Canadians! We did know a couple from Connecticut that moved down here about a year and a half ago and they've realy been awesome about introducing us to other young professionals, as well as showing us some sweet spots. 

Last night, Jake and I ventured into Fayetteville for the first time. Fayetteville is where we will be moving into when our apartment opens up on July 15th. I am so in love with the bar scene. It's a lot of college centered bars with cheap, good drinks and great atmospheres. There seems to be a bar for all types of people and most of them have really good patios. Our apartment is a 10-15 minute walk from the bar strip and I'm really looking forward to that. 

So I can say that I'm going to be really happy here. It seems that it's getting easier and easier to settle in, make friends and feel comfortable. I love and will miss Toronto and all the people that I spent my time with up there, but I'm really looking forward to Arkansas.

Welcome home, I guess!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Dad!
No matter where I move, how far I go, how early or late it is, he'll always be there for me.
I love and miss you dad!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Still Counting Down.

If you knew anything about me, you'd know I love a good countdown.

6 days
15 hours
45 minutes

6 days
22 hours
45 minutes

11 days
23 hours
13 minutes

And just for fun...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I'm legitimately down to counting hours right now. Next Thursday, Jake and I will board a plane to Las Vegas for the Electronic Daisy Carnival for 5 days. From Vegas, we'll jump on a plane and, after bouncing to around, will land in Joplin, MI and continue our journey by car to Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Working on a tutu for EDC!
I'm actually getting really excited. Last week it was a little rough, I was finishing work, had to say good bye to the kids and kind of come to terms with leaving. See, for someone who moves a lot, I am so horrible at good byes. I rather like high five you and say "see ya!" then give you a meaningful hug and tear up. When I left Oregon and my entire family (okay entire family of 4 but still!) I refused to cry. I remember walking away, down the ramp to my terminal, counting my steps, my breath, anything to think about the people who were watching my back. They all wrote me letters before I left. Those letters sat in my purse, staring up at me during the flight. I didn't cry, but I also didn't read those letter till about a week later when I was alone at my new apartment, in a new city, living with a guy I had never lived with before. Then I let myself cry.

But now the sad is over. We have exactly 9 days until we move. So 8 days until we pack (or I guess I should say a company packs us...I just get to sit around and direct people...and yes, it's as amazing as it sounds!), and 7 days till my absolute last day of work at Annex Dance Academy. 

Jake and I found out last night that we got our first pick for houses for Fayetteville. We'll be living in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom with an additional loft dwelling. It's 1,600 square feet with a balcony and washer/dryer unit. It's a little older, as in appliances and such, but I love the space and the lay out. I'm excited to have a spare room, that means NO EXCUSES for visits! It's supposedly really close to downtown, which I've seen pictures of and it's adorable. It's going to be cheaper to live there, which is another thing I'm looking forward to.

So for the next 9 days, I'm applying for jobs, working on my EDC costumes, organizing our apartment into piles, checking things off lists and day dreaming about Fayetteville. 

Oh and another bonus, we know some people there! What could be better?!

Trying on the snorkel I got Jake for one of his EDC costumes!
But for now, I'm going to listen to the entire discography of The Postal Service to get ready for their concert tonight!

Monday, June 3, 2013


The past couple weeks have been a complete whirlwind. I just realized it's June 3rd and I have 16 days to get my life in order before it's turned upside down again. It's a little stressful.

We had our recital at my studio over the weekend. It was such a strange day for me. I have always loved watching those girls perform, they are all so good and so much fun to watch. But I was so irrationally emotional that day. I didn't cry, even though I wanted to, honestly. It's been a long time since I've been home, been somewhere where I know people, know where I am and have felt completely stable. So the fact that I did get comfortable here, that I like it here and feel like I have a nice support system was really hard to handle. I mean it still is.

So today begins the transfer. After cleaning my poor apartment and doing the ginormous pile of laundry that's gathered at the foot of our bed, I'll be sorting our belongings into piles to be packed up into boxes by a moving company and shipped exactly 1,799 km. Luckily, 90% of what I own has been in storage since July 10, 2012 so it'll be like Christmas, getting all my things back. I'm looking forward to our couch and knowing what was in the box I randomly had to pick and throw into storage because we went over our shipping weight last summer. That and my standing KitchenAid mixer.

Driving back from the movies last night, I had some ridiculous flash backs to when we first arrived in Toronto. I think for as long as I live, there will be no experience more bizarre then the day you leave one home and arrive in another. It's the weirdest feeling. While liberating on one hand, it's really disorientating on the other. I think I'm having a hard time processing all of this. I think if I just focus on packing and organizing and cleaning, I'll be okay, those things usually distract me...

There are some things that I'm excited for int he next 16 days, however. This weekend, Jake's flying to Arkansas to get us a place to live, June 11th we're going to see the Postal Service, or the band that got me through high school, I get a last bash with my friends AND we have EDC to look forward to!

I think I need to remember that I'm lucky to get to see all the places that I do. That I'm lucky that I get to travel and meet all these amazing people. While I'm not around for a long period of time, I do hope the people that I will always remember and the people that make a difference in my life will remember me too.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Closing Time.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end."

On June 20th I'll be moving from the place I've called my home for the past year. Unfortunately, I got way more attached to this place then I did to Connecticut. I found people that made me feel comfortable, welcome and even for a little while, home. 

It's been really hard to think about moving this past week. It has been the last week of classes at Annex Dance Academy (where I work and have spent a majority of my time) and I'm really sad to be leaving these people. All my co-workers and my bosses have been so great and I love them dearly. All the kids will have a special place in my heart, even if they don't remember me in 3 years. They made me feel at home somewhere where I have no family.

So here's a photo-explosion of photos of all the things I'm going to miss.

King Street. My street.

Dufflet desserts. Seriously the best thing ever.
Next to Grandma's :)

Having public transportation...

Walking to work on Saturday mornings and enjoying
the beautiful buildings.

This skyline.

The views.

Toronto is covered in amazing urban art. Unlike
anything I've ever seen.

Snowy winters.

The beer. I actually grew accustom. 

Riding the subway on a hot day with a Booster Juice!

All the good times we had together in Toronto.

This bed.

The food in Toronto is fantastic.

Oh French people.

Seriously the best indoor market ever.

My dance girls.

This chatterbox. 

My tiny but cute condo.

This place.

Selfies with some cool gals.

The munchkins at work. 


Outings with my favorite coworkers and dancers.

My subway stop.

I will NOT miss the traffic after concerts or sports games.
Or in this pictures case, Justin Bieber.

These girls (along with my coworkers) made this year
a lot more fun that I had planned.

Thank you, Annex Dance and Toronto, for making the past year one of my all time favorite years. It was the closest I've ever felt to home since I left.
I'll miss you but I'll visit :)