Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DIY: T Shirt Head Bands!

Hey guys!!! Multiple posts in one day?! I know, I have 
too much time on my hands!

Anyway, I was chatting with a fellow blogger the other day and we were talking about natural hair and bangs and styling said natural hair.
See, about 3 or 4 years ago, I had the best idea:
Lets get BANGS!
And I continue to enjoy them but more and more these days
I've been pinning them up or wearing head bands.
On that note, I remembered finding a DIY a few months back so
I thought I would explore!

I found this great DIY:

Follow the directions over here and it's actually ridiculously easy.
I made three yesterday.

The first one is red and I made it from the sleeve of a turtleneck.
FIY: One fun fact about me is that loath turtlenecks. Like. I will burn them all. So when Jacob, of all people, presented me with a red turtleneck to dismember, I cut it up...even though I didn't need to in that moment. It was satisfying. 

The second braid I turned into a...

BRACELET! I love it! It's great! 
I want to make a head band long enough to wrap around
my head twice too...but then I got sleepy!

Anyway, I've been really enjoying all of these.
It's a fun way to spend the afternoon, 
it's a fun way to enhance my outfits,
and it's a great way to kill all turtlenecks reuse old t shirts!

Do you have any head band DIY's or cool ways to reuse old t shirts??


  1. Good idea! I know what I'm going to be doing with my old t-shirts... :)

  2. That's such a cute idea! I'd go for the bracelet though...hairbands always look silly on me unfortunately!

  3. So cute! Kill all the turtlenecks. I love it!
