A good friend once told me,
I can't let anyone love me until I love myself.
I'm pretty sure my whole world shattered in that moment, ya'll. And it was from that moment that I struggled with loving myself. To this day, at age 24, I still struggle to love myself. So how do I start?
Thank GOODNESS that Wikihow has all the answers! Lets look at their suggestions and see how well I do.
1. Treat other's with love and respect: I think I'm doing a good job at that! I give everyone the same respect that I think I deserve.
2. Create goodwill and thankfulness by practicing random acts of kindness and sharing your being to many: Okay, I don't think I do this...yet. I have a project in the works right now where I would be sharing my positivity and (at least trying) to spread random acts of kindness...More on this later!
3. Express yourself, perhaps in letters or articles when you have a topic: Oh my garsh, blog much?! I do that! Actually, I think I've really starting doing that. I tried so hard to be every other cute blog out there but it's just not me. So I'm sticking to my guns :)
5. Forgive yourself: *Note: I will be skipping some numbers because there are 24 of these so...* This is something that I think I need to work on. I put myself down way too often. I mean Jacob and I used to fight about it bc he hates that I do it. So I'm working on that.
6. Post positive statements everywhere so you can smile: Two post it's that are a must on my mirror, "You are beautiful," and "I have courage."
10. Be persistent: I should keep at loving myself. I def go through phases where I'm super positive and upbeat and love myself then literally 12 minutes later I'm down in the dumps. I just need to believe in myself!
13. Hug yourself: Okay :)
20. Do what you love: I spend at least an hour each day blogging, which is something I love. I also have been exploring dance classes for when I have a job. Doing something you love lifts your spirits and reminds you what real joy feels like.
23. Don't compare yourself to others: Oh, I do this a lot. I think I majored in it in college. I have to stop doing this. Anyone got pointers??
24. Stop trying to be perfect: I think I have that one in the bag. I am so okay with not being perfect. I'm probably the weirdest person I know and I am darn proud of that!
Sorry for all the mushy self-love but I'm feeling like I'm in the need right now. I've been job hunting for what seems like YEARS now and, with no end in near sight, I just need a little affirmation that I can do this. And who better to be my pick-me-up then, well me!
Do you have any tips on reaching self love??