Monday, August 27, 2012

Primadonna Girl.

Life has a funny way of revamping itself, doesn't it? I have found, since my move to Ex-Pat territory (meaning since I moved to Canada) that my life has almost completely shifted. 

I used to use my blog as a way of sharing my life, yes, but also as a way to escape my current situation. I was unhappy in New Haven, lets be real. I didn't want to bartend anymore I wanted to start a career. I wanted to feel as though I was doing something that I personally considered productive.

Then moving to Toronto, I've found a new step on my ladder! One door closed and another has opened! While I consider myself really lucky to score the internship that I did, I received an invitation to become the new intern at Post City magazine last week. I really wanted this position when I interviewed for it and am really excited that I got it!

What's the downfall of all of these big steps and changes since becoming an Ex-Pat? I haven't done much blogging! And it's breaking my heart!! I have so many great stories to share and cool new things, well new to me! So I've decided to take a week to get reorganized. I'm going to update my blog calender, get some pictures and posts ready. Stock up, if you will. Then we're on a roll!!

I want this blog to be a successful representation of my life and to get there, I need to put some work in!!

For now, here is a song/video that I can't seem to take off repeat.


  1. Hey Freya, don't sweat it. We (well I) am not going anywhere just because you don't post as often. Blogging is supposed to be fun and not a job. So glad you are getting your career going. So important!


  2. That's such exciting news Freya, it sounds like your life is about to change is a major way! Sometimes the online world has to take a backseat when your offline world is going along nicely. Enjoy your time to get things sorted out, I can't wait to hear all about this new career! x

    1. Thank you!!! I'm almost all organized again. I think everyone kind of loses track every now that then :)

  3. The lack of posting is proof that currently your life is way more exciting than sitting behind a computers screen. You'll always have time to write your story so do what you gotta do:)

  4. The lack of posting is proof that currently your life is way more exciting than sitting behind a computers screen. You'll always have time to write your story so do what you gotta do:)
