Friday, April 27, 2012

Who, ME?!

This is really awesome!
My Canadian friend, Bola over at Lilac Dreams,
has nominated me for the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD!
How exciting is this?
I am so honored that she would think of me! 
Thank you!

The rules for this award are as follows:
1. Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
2. Add an image of the Versatile Blogger Award
3. Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link to their site
4. Share 7 random facts about yourself
5. Include the set of rules
6. Inform each blogger of their nomination

7 Random Facts About ME!
1. I love daydreaming...I's becoming a problem.
2. I love the vinegar flavor...I <3 dill pickles and yellow mustard...
3. I almost cry when I see really cute pictures of baby animals.
4. I really want to travel to Africa...I've been obsessed with it for as long as I can remember!
5. I'm in love with Starbucks Iced Coffee with caramel VIA's.
6. Since I quit theater at age 19 (or was it 20?) I have not been to see a production or listen to a musical soundtrack's weird...
7. I prefer french vanilla over regular vanilla.

Here are the 15 lovely bloggers I think deserve some recognition!
(In no particular order!)

Congrats ladies!!


  1. Awww thanks SO much for the nomination, pretty girl! I sure appreciate that. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Thank you girlie SO much!! I can't wait to do this... Oh and I am so obsessed with Africa too that is on my top five of places to go! Lions are my favorite animals and I hope to get to play with Lion cubs someday :)

  3. Thank you so much, Freya!! :D That was so nice of you to include me!!

  4. Thanks so much for the nomination! So lovely to be included in such a wonderful list of bloggers. I'd love to travel to Africa one day, too! My cousin went on a safari last year and I am very jealous.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I love these tidbits about you and thanks so much for the sweet award:)
